Wednesday, May 4, 2011

One month follow up

Today I met with my surgeon who I love, love, love! He is just so down to earth, a great Dr!
He was very pleased with my progress and weight loss. He told me I need to back off on my weight training b/c I actually vomited yesterday after a very hard Body Pump class. I am pretty confident I can just lift less weight and I will try that at tomorrows class.
My dietician however, didn't like how little I am eating. She said I need to get more carbs in. I can now eat cooked veggies and some soft fruit, so that will help me up my carbs. She said I need to eat more food during the day, but I find it so challenging b/c I truly have no interest. Today I had a single serving of cooked broccoli and a 1/4 c of corn chowder thinned with skim milk. That is it!
My Dr however disagreed with the dietician. He said my only job right now is to figure out what full feels like. He wants me to get my protien in and as long as I am doing that through shakes he doesn't care how much food I eat right now. Again, why I like him. Much more direct and less hyped up as the NUTS can be. I know it's there job and they are just trying to tell me the right things. I get it.

Some NSV today! Non Scale One Month

1.Fit into some jeans I bought years ago and I have never worn them.

2.Offically down 3 pant sizes in a month.

3. Down 3 bra sizes as well!

4. Had 3 people today tell me that I looked great. One close male friend who I hadn't seen in a few weeks said "Wow, I can just see it all over in your face, your look great" I wanted to smooch him, but held back and just said "thanks" trying to be humble here people. I also realize I have a LONG way to go! 100lbs to be exact!

1 comment:

  1. You look great Steph! I'm so proud of you. Love you!
